Home / Conventional Light / What are the Economic Advantages of Using LEDs Over Conventional Light Sources?

What are the Economic Advantages of Using LEDs Over Conventional Light Sources?

There are a number of great benefits of using LEDs instead of standard, conventional lights. Let us look at some of these benefits below. At HH Fluorescent & LED Products, Inc., we offer our customers top-of-the-line fluorescent fixture parts and products applicable to numerous applications.

Longer Lifespan

Their longer lifespan is one of the major benefits delivered by LEDs as opposed to traditional lighting systems. These state-of-the-art lights can provide anywhere from 50,000 to 100,000 hours of service life at times – about 40 times greater than your average incandescent lightbulb. All of this results in lower costs of labor and fewer maintenance requirements.

Enhanced Safety

LED lighting provides a safer form of lighting than standard traditional bulbs. LEDs disperse almost no heat. On the other hand, almost all – 9/10 – of the energy used to power a traditional incandescent bulb is converted into heat. As a result, only 1/10 of the energy produced by these bulbs is used to produce the light. They are able to work efficiently on low-voltage electrical systems since they consume less power, making them safer in the event a problem occurs.

Energy Efficiency

The potential energy savings from LEDs can reach as high as 90% or more compared to using a traditional incandescent bulb.

Excellent CRI (Colour Rendering Index)

LEDs possess very high CRI ratings. This involves estimating the capacity of a light to reveal the real shade of items in comparison to a natural (perfect) light source.

Dimming Capabilities

LEDs are more efficient as the power is lowered, resulting in an increase lifespan for the light. They can operate in any level of their evaluated power between zero and 100%.

Flexibility in Use

LEDs are very flexible when it comes to their use. They can be used in a linear sequence or as small single light within a device.

Safe Illumination With Virtually Zero UV Emissions

LEDs are particularly useful for the safe illumination UV sensitive items, preventing their degradation over time. Most of the energy produced by LEDs is in the visible spectrum, with minimal in the infrared and virtually none in the ultraviolet spectrums.

Fast Switching

LEDs may be turned on and off instantaneously, without the need for warming up gradually as with the metal halide lamp. These LED devices also will not break down due to frequent switching on and off.

LED is an exceptional technology that is becoming the first option among residential/commercial property developers, facility operators, and lighting professionals.

For information about the LED lighting products we offer or to request a quote, call us today at 215.379.2750, or send us a message through our contact form.

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