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The Differences Between Shunted Sockets and Non-Shunted Sockets

The majority of household light fixtures you use every day use one of two types of sockets -shunted or non-shunted. So what does that mean exactly? Shunted sockets have two holes and accept two wires, while non-shunted sockets have four holes and accept a maximum of four wires. At first glance this is the best way to distinguish between the two – but there are other differences that you can observe as well.

Another Difference

Many people choose to use a voltage meter on the “continuity” setting. Once the voltage meter makes contact with both sides of the socket, it will inform you, through a loud beeping noise and through a visual signal displayed on the meter, whether the power is flowing through both sides of the socket.

If the power is flowing consistently through both sides, you can be sure that the socket is shunted. If it is not, it is non-shunted. The loud beeping sound is one of the best ways to be absolutely certain whether power is running through both sides or not. Shunted sockets are very easily distinguished based to this simple test.

Situations Where Each Will Be Required

Depending on the application, you may wish to use a shunted socket or a non-shunted. Many electronics stores will sell shunted sockets (also known as “shunted connectors”) with wires already installed for your convenience. For example, if you are purchasing an LED T8 socket wire kit the wires will very likely be installed beforehand. There will be a black (or hot) wire on one side, and white (or neutral) on the other.

Something that many people aren’t aware of is the fact that a non-shunted lampholder can be converted to a shunted one if necessary. This is typically done using a very simple process. You can cut a wire and insert one end of the shortened wire into the left side of the unit.

No matter what type of light fixture you are working with, H H Fluorescent’s trained team of professionals would be happy to assist you with your project. We have shown many people how to distinguish the difference between shunted and non-shunted sockets and use them in a variety of situations.

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